Is my weight ideal?

There are 2 ways of assessing if your weight is deal. One way is to assess you BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) . The BMI is an index of obesity in adults, based on height and weight measurements and is calculated by using the following formula:

weight (kg)
height (m)  X height (m)

BMI (Adults) Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes
<18.5 Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis
18.5 � 22.9 Low Risk (healthy range)
23.0 � 27.4 Moderate Risk
27.5 and above High Risk

You can also assess your own weight by comparing it with the following chart which takes into account your body frame , whether small , medium or large frame.


Weight (kg)  in light clothing



Height (cm) small medium large small medium large
145       46-50 49-55   53-59
147       46-51  50-56  54-61
150        47-52 51-57  55-62
152        48-53  52-58  56-63
155 57-60 58-63 61-67  49-55  53-60  58-65
157 58-61 59-64 62-68  50-56  55-61  59-66
160 59-61 60-65 63-70  51-57  56-62  61-68
163 60-62 61-66 64-71  53-59  57-64  62-70
165 61-63 62-67 65-73  54-60  59-65  53-72
168 61-65 63-69 66-75  56-61  60-66  65-74
170 62-66 65-70 68-77  57-63  61-68  66-76
173 63-67 66-71 69-79  58-64  63-69  67-77
175 64-69 66-73 71-81  60-66  64-71  69-78
178 65-70 69-74 72-82  61-67  66-72  70-80
180 66-71 70-76 73-84  62-68  67-73  71-81
183 68-73 71-78 75-86      
185 69-75 73-80 77-88      
188 71-77 75-81 79-91      
190 72-79 76-84 81-93